Finally! A Republican President with a Brain
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Friday, May 04, 2007
by Gary A. Ballard
Thanks to Crooks and Liars for this story. I've not followed the early Presidential primary debates, seeing as how it's entirely too early to start stumping the 2008 race in my opinion. But I have caught a little bit of the pertinent bits. I've discovered that three of the Republican candidates are apparently anti-science zombies, since Brownback, Tancredo and Huckabee all think evolution is a lie. And I had some hope for Huckabee, dashed by one bit of obstinence. McCain has played his usual crazy-man-appealing-to-the-wingnut-base role, Guiliani just keeps reminding me of the worst bits of authoritarianism and hypocrisy, and Romney is a flip-flopping Mormon fundie whose religion didn't even recognize blacks as humans until the '70's. But this clip of Ron Paul (R-TX) made my day.
Here is a Republican who talks about the real Conservative values that made the Republican party viable in the 20th century. He speaks about restraint in foreign policy, about the reasoned use of military force. He speaks about actually declaring a war before entering a war, instead of the pussy-footing type of police actions like Korea and Vietnam and Iraq. Declaring war has become political poison, so the Congress doesn't do it, they just delegate the authority to make the decision that gets soldiers killed onto the President. In short, the guy talked like someone I would vote for, which is a pretty bold statement coming from me. Unfortunately, the crazy bloodthirsty jackals in charge of the shambles of the Republithug party will make sure he never gets through the first primary, and no one would give him enough money to matter as an independant.
But it's sure refreshing to hear common sense from a Republican. I've gotten so hardened to their frothing, hate-soaked talking points that I almost couldn't recognize a real conservative without a scorecard.
Here is a Republican who talks about the real Conservative values that made the Republican party viable in the 20th century. He speaks about restraint in foreign policy, about the reasoned use of military force. He speaks about actually declaring a war before entering a war, instead of the pussy-footing type of police actions like Korea and Vietnam and Iraq. Declaring war has become political poison, so the Congress doesn't do it, they just delegate the authority to make the decision that gets soldiers killed onto the President. In short, the guy talked like someone I would vote for, which is a pretty bold statement coming from me. Unfortunately, the crazy bloodthirsty jackals in charge of the shambles of the Republithug party will make sure he never gets through the first primary, and no one would give him enough money to matter as an independant.
But it's sure refreshing to hear common sense from a Republican. I've gotten so hardened to their frothing, hate-soaked talking points that I almost couldn't recognize a real conservative without a scorecard.
Labels: Politics, Presidential Campaign 2008
posted by Gary A. Ballard @ 4:16 PM
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