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    Under the Amoral Bridge: A Cyberpunk NovelUnder the Amoral Bridge: A Cyberpunk Novel
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Sony Wha...?

Apparently I'm not the most updated sucker on the planet. But this news out of Sony about the PS3 controller took me aback.

The PS3 controller, a wireless controller, has a battery that cannot be replaced once its life cycle is over, like the Ipod's battery. I wasn't aware the Ipod's battery wasn't replaceable. This strikes me right between the eyes as huge design flaw. I've always been critical of Apple's "so stylish it hurts your wallet" design philosophy, and I see Sony is following suit.

While a PS3 controller's not going to vaccum cash like an Ipod would, it's still a needless design flaw. The only good part about it is that most controllers won't last long enough to have their rechargeable battery die anyway. But it still smacks of the same kind of Sony arrogance that instituted a $600 price tag.

I'll just put this as Reason #67 that I won't be buying a PS3 anytime soon.


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