Things I'd Like to Fire Into the Sun: So-Called Experts

I've never been a fan of Hillary Clinton's, despite the respect I have for the presidency of her husband. She is a thoroughly unlikeable woman, whose good ideas are balanced by an equal weight of bad ideas. Since her carpetbagging move from Arkansas to New York in order to run for a Senate seat, I have felt the same unfortunate vibe from her that I do from her husband, i.e. that both are rabid politicians, who will say or do anything to get elected. While Bill Clinton's geniality and ability to properly fake human sympathy make him likeable, Hillary Clinton's entire personality is not only acerbic, but rings of a striking phoniness down at the gut level. Even so, were she to win the Democratic nomination, I would vote for her over John McCain, if only because McCain's chorus of "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" and his flip-flopping on the propriety of torture have convinced me he is as much of a rabid politician as any other. But some of Sen. Clinton's comments in today's Chicago Tribune story make me want to fire her into the sun.

According to the article:

Speaking at George Washington University, Clinton chided Obama for what she said was a lack of experience that could rival a Bush administration that had a strategy based on "false choices and then is indifferent about the consequences -- force versus diplomacy, unilateralism versus multilateralism, hard power versus soft."

"We've seen the tragic result of having a president who had neither the experience nor wisdom to manage our foreign policy and safeguard our national security," she said. "We can't let that happen again."

Clinton cited her experience in the White House with her husband during times of crises as well as her service as a two-term New York senator on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but being the wife of the President is not an elected position. It is not typically a position that comes with any civil authority whatsoever other than perhaps the running of the household at the White House. Any authority or power of the position is at most granted out of deference to the wife of the President.

So how fucking arrogant do you have to be to claim eight years as first wife as any kind of governing or foreign policy experience? Whispered pillow talk does not make for foreign policy experience. Listening to your husband vent about the Republican noise machine does not make for crisis management. And while Mrs. Clinton was certainly the target of many personal and nasty attacks during her time as First Lady, that no more prepares her for service as Commander in Chief than running the drive-thru at a fucking McDonalds.

As for your time on the Senate Armed Services Committee, let's see where that time got this nation. Oh right, it got you to vote to give this cluster fuck of a President authorization to use force in Iraq. Five years later, this country is still paying for that mistake in blood and treasure. If that is the kind of whip smart decision-making your experience will give us, then I will kindly tell that experience to fuck right off. If you'd like to run on your record of experience, your record tells me you are an easily-led tool who has enabled our President to skullfuck this country into the ground. Do you really want to run on your experience?

Senator Obama may be young and fresh-faced. He may not have been the snuggle bunny of a sitting, popular President. That doesn't mean he can't approach foreign policy as well if not better than you or any of the other clowns who've had a hand in our foreign policy for over a decade. And unlike you, Sen. Clinton, Sen. Obama did not vote to invade Iraq, which tells me he has more foreign policy foresight than you showed.

First Lady is not a position of authority, and it is not the kind of experience you can put on a resume. Please shut up about your time as Wife-in-Chief or get the fuck on the Sol Rocket Express.

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